The law abiding citizen is not only funny…he’s actually a good rapper.
This week’s episode of The Str8OutDaDen Podcast features rapper savant, gentleman and alleged attorney Gilles Walters. Here’s a few things we discussed:
* the importance of finding the right team
* taking in advice from his peers
* working with CyHi, Project Pat & OG Maco
* balancing being an attorney & rapper
* we also introduced a new series called The FyeMeUp 5 with DJ FyeMeUp
Follow Gilles on Twitter: @supergilles
Follow Last Name Good on Twitter: @LastNameGood
Follow DJ FyeMeUp on Twitter: @djfyemeup
FyeMeUp 5 Tracklist
Burial Boyz – Classy Ratchet
Mouse Sucks – WaitingonthatTxtfromPervana
BUMPY103 – F#ck The Game Up
12th Street “The Recipe” – Twisted
TLR – Run It
The Str8OutDaDen Podcast provides guidance to independent artists on their journey of surviving the indie circuit through cool conversations with industry professionals. You know the drill…sit back…Relax and Listen! New episodes of The Str8OutDaDen Podcast drops every Thursday.
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