Women And Whiskey: Get To Know AE The Cool


Meet AE The Cool.

One of my favorite singers right now is AE The Cool. Her voice and stage presence is one that you will never forget and lucky for us, she will grace the stage for Women And Whiskey on Thursday night at The Music Room. We had the opportunity to sit down with her for a quick convo which you can check out below.

Q: Where are you from?

A: Augusta, GA.

Q: What is one thing about you most people don’t know?

A: I trained to be a classical singer (I’m not very interesting lol).

Q: What inspires you?

A: I’m inspired by love and witnessing others live out their dreams.

Q: What’s your favorite whiskey?

A: And I HATE Brown liquor…but we’ll just tell the people Fireball since that was the first alcohol I ever had. Lol! I’m more of a wino lol!.

Check out a few songs from AE The Cool below.

Grab your tickets for Women And Whiskey early and save a couple of bucks by clicking on the flyer below.

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