Women And Whiskey: Get To Know Ayana Aliya


Meet Ayana Aliya.

With our Women And Whiskey show only a couple of days away, we sat down with singer/songwriter and past Sunday Spotlight Ayana Aliya for a quick convo.

Check out our Q&A with her below.

Q: Where are you from?

A: I’m from upstate New York.

Q: What is one thing about you most people don’t know?

A: Most people don’t know that I’m a songwriter first and my ultimate goal is not to be an artist…I just want to write.

Q: What inspires you?

A: My struggles inspire me.

Q: What’s your favorite whiskey?

A: I don’t drink, but when I did…Jack Daniels with coke was my whiskey of choice.

Check out a few songs from Ayana Aliya below.

Grab your tickets for Women And Whiskey early and save a couple of bucks by clicking on the flyer below.

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