Cee-Lo Green Returns To Rap On “My Favorite MCs”



The Goodie Mob member returns to rap where he belongs.

Now I know what you thinking…Cee-Lo can rap? Yes he can and is one of the best to do it. Now if you’re new to rap you probably only know the work Lo has done as Gnarles Barkley. Well today the member of Goodie Mob makes his return to rap and does so in a humbling way, paying homage to his favorite emcees on the appropriately titled single “My Favorite MCs”.

Word is a new rap album is on the way too. He gives a little more insight during an interview with Digital Trends. Why we wait for this, head down bottom and find out if your favorite emcee made the list.

By the way does this mean we gonna finally get that solo album from 3 Stacks?



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