[Sunday Spotlight] DruggofChoice


Meet this week’s Sunday Spotlight DruggofChoice.

If you want to know someone’s story the best thing to do is ask. Some artist choose to put their life in music and others show it on their social media. Fortunately for us this week’s Sunday Spotlight artist gives us both. Lazies meet DruggofChoice.

We first came across the homie’s music last year at a show at PAG Lounge. His performance alone was enough to keep our attention. Add that to the fact he had a name that forces your to ask questions. Some time past by but we finally got an opportunity to talk with him on The Good Hennec Show.

Those conversations led us to naming him our Sunday Spotlight this week. Not only does the music moves you, but this guy has been through a lot in his young life. As always we decided to put together his catalog below for your listening pleasure.




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