Str8OutDaDen Podcast: Live From Adventure Time ATL Feat. Spooks McGhie & Brian Brown


Everything from I-85 collapsing to social media taking over our lives.

Happy Thursday people! This week on The Str8OutDaDen Podcast we kick off the first part of our live sessions at Adventure Time ATL. We are joined by Spooks McGhie. During this week’s episode Spooks and I talk everything from 85 burning down to his new music and more.

Throughout the night people stopped by to talk including a third timer on the podcast, Brian Brown. You just have to love that guy. He talks his album and says he wants to start his on podcast (lets make that happen asap).

So you know the drill…sit back…Relax and Listen!

Follow Spooks McGhie on Instagram & Twitter @SpooksMcGhie.
Follow Brian Brown on Instagram & Twitter @worldofbrown.

Be sure to follow the conversation by using the hashtag #Str8OutDaDenPod

Got a question? Text us or call and leave a message (678) 872-2227.

Str8OutDaDen merch is now available.

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