Michael Aristotle Cashes In With ‘Mega Millions’ LP


The East Chain member delivers his long awaited LP.

Imagine if after years of hard work, you decide to head to your local corner store and pick up a lottery ticket and the unexpected happens…you win! Now after paying off all your debts more than likely you will ball out and do some things you’ve never done before.

Keeping that thought in the back of your head, Michael Aristotle delivers a 17 track LP titled Mega Millions that tells you his story of what he did when he won 600 Million.

Led by the single “Lottery“, Michael Aristotle call on Deante’ Hitchcock, Jaque Beatz, da Kidd Half and a few others for features while Wili Hendrixs serves as executive producer.

Listen below via Apple Music and be sure to cop on iTunes.




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