[Sunday Spotlight] J’Demul


Sunday Spotlight J'Demul

Meet this week’s Sunday Spotlight J’Demul.

Last week we came across a clip from a St. Louis native that left us with a lost of words. There was nothing too crazy about the visual, however the bars were so different from what we are used to. Lazies meet J’Demul.

After running the visual for “Moon” down to the ground, it was obvious who would be our Sunday Spotlight artist for the week. His most recent project, #STLAVE comes in at 14 tracks and dives into the life of J’Demul. There are no gimmicks in his music. All real raps about his life and those around him. It’s what I like to call storytelling at its finest.

As always we combed through his catalog to give you best of what there is to offer from J’Demul. Enjoy.




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