Meet this week’s Sunday Spotlight Black COAL.
The word of the day is algorithm and has been for the past few weeks now to be completely honest. The amount of music we come across daily is somewhat overwhelming at times. Whenever that comes about, I usually rely on streaming services to dictate what I listen to instead of going through submission after submission of subpar music. That’s right I said it. Someone needed to.
Now the beauty of just letting music play is every now and then good stuff comes through without bias and promises. And when it does, I click on a name and go through their catalog. If its to our liking and everything else lines up, then you may just end up being named one of our Sunday Spotlight artist. Lazies meet Black COAL.
The DMV natives have been at it for quite some time now and delivering quality music in the process. With only a handful of releases in the past couple of years, the duo has managed to create a huge following on their Soundcloud page. Last month they dropped the infectious single “DAMAGED” produced by Nova, that pretty much sealed the deal for us.
Take the time to get familiar with their catalog and visuals below.