A couple of weeks ago my parents came up to visit for my father’s birthday. As we waited to take him out to dinner, everyone huddled up in my office laughing and sharing stories. A few moments later my mother found a list of goals I wrote down back in 2012.
After reading the list, which included goals for 2013-15, she said, “Hey J (that’s what she calls me from time to time) you already have a tv show!”. It was at the moment when it hit me, something that was just a thought 4 years ago became a reality.
That brings me to what I wanted to share with you all today. Those dreams you have will never happen if you don’t write them down. Why is it so important to write down your dreams and goals?
Well for me it made things real. No longer was the dream of having a show an idea, I could see it. It was on paper in permanent marker. Now it couldn’t go away. It stared me in my face, screaming make it happen. So that’s what I did everyday. Making short term goals in the process. Making sure I was prepared when the opportunity became available.
So the next time you have a dream, write it down, research it and don’t look back until you reach that goal. Be sure to enjoy the process, that time will move faster than you know it.
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