[Sunday Spotlight] AE The Cool


Sunday Spotlight AE The Cool

Meet this week’s Sunday Spotlight AE The Cool.

Yeah I know what you’re thinking, this is a hip-hop site so why do we have this week’s Sunday Spotlight artist as someone with one of the best vocal performances I’ve heard on the indie circuit? Ummm I think I just answered your question. Lazies meet AE The Cool.

The August native has been on our radar for a while now, performing at a couple of our showcases here in the city. Last week she released her single, “Danger” that continued to show us why she’s in a league of her own.

As a member of the indie collectiveย RMR, AE is simply one of those singer/songwriters that you have no choice but to fall in love with. Her voice is so unique that every time I attempt to compare her with someone, I have to fall back because no one is close. She’s in her own lane and after hearing anything from her will have you saying the same.

Take the time to know her through music below.




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