[Sunday Spotlight] Dre Murray


Sunday Spotlight Dre Murray

Meet this week’s Sunday Spotlight Dre Murray.

We first came across this week’s Sunday Spotlight artist back in 2013 when he introduced his new series called Murray Monday’s. Ever Monday he would flood the net with dope thought provoking material that had a real message and purpose. From there, we gravitated to his music and couldn’t put it down. Lazies meet Dre Murray.

Shortly after that time the Collision Records emcees put out a project titled Gold Rush: Maybe One Day. Continue the narrative of kingdom raps, Murray walked the line of transparency with a tightrope, giving the people his open and honest heart without spewing perfection.

Since then the Houston native have worked on a joint project with label mate Alex Faith titled Southern Lights Overexposed and most recently his 34 LP. This goes beyond saying, but it was time to give the homie his just due and shine a little light on his career.

Take the time to get to know the homie and his catalog below.




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