[Sunday Spotlight] Jack Preston


sunday spotlight jack preston

Meet this week’s Sunday Spotlight Jack Preston.

For the past couple of weeks you may have heard me mention this name quite a few times. That’s what happens when you make good music. Lazies meet Jack Preston. The Atlanta-based emcee has been on the move for some time now, but we got reacquainted after the release of his latest project, End Of The Future. Now I’ve been playing this project like crazy and rather than go into my opinion on why its such a dope project, I rather explain the reasons why you should give Jack Preston your full attention.

First off this guy is a genuine dude who cares about the culture and life of others. Now that might not mean much to some, but to me those are basic principles we should all live by. I found all of that out just with an hour conversation from a bench outside of Joe’s Eat Atlanta Coffee Shop. I had a mango smoothie, Jack had a small coffee and the kids playing by his bicycle had a teaspoon of innocence as they enjoyed life’s free pleasures. As we talked, we noticed that we had a few things in common โ€” our love for hip-hop of course was a no brainer โ€” but our general sense of direction of the music industry across the board. I took two things from our conversation; one this guy will forever have my support and two being that the world needs to hear his message.

As I made my way to another meeting, I couldn’t help but to think of something Jack Pres said that stuck to me, I made a comment saying, “man I wished we recorded this conversation”. His reply, “it’s all good bro everything is organic and we will have another opportunity.” Everything is organic and so is the music that this guy presents to world. As we always do, I included some of my favorite joints from Jack Pres along with his visuals for you to get to know the artist/producer/musician behind the stache.




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