[Sunday Spotlight] Fleetwood Fred


fleetwood fred sunday spotlight

Meet this week’s Sunday Spotlight artist.

This week’s Sunday Spotlight artist brings us back to Atlanta…the eastside to be exact. Lazies meet Fleetwood Fred. Now you have heard the name quite a few times already here on Da Den. To catch you guys up to speed, I first heard the homie music after a friend of mine suggested I take a listen. Now I will say, a lot of times when this happens, the music is just okay. This time around though a gem was found.

With his Dominique Wilkins x Spudd Webb project in the works, Fred has hit us with a few of my favorite records of the summer (which I’m currently rapping in my head as I type this) and its safe to say this dude will be around for a while.

Take the time to get caught up to speed with the homie’s music below and if you want more of a personal look into his life, then you should check out his interview on The Good Hennec Show here.