Str8OutDaDen Podcast: New Years Edition


Str8OutDaDen Podcast New Years Edition 2

New Year Same Podcast

I know its been a while since we did one of these, but this year we wanted to kick things off a bit differently for the Str8OutDaDen Podcast with a special New Years Edition. We did a couple of things outside the norm, including taking some calls, playing some music and getting you Lazies caught up to speed on everything Str8OutDaDen.

We spoke with Tony Millions & Topiq on the phone while we awaited our special guest, Sha’Lil. Man he had a lot to say and honestly it was a much needed conversation. We spoke on challenges within the industry and progression of our communities. Plus you know it wouldn’t be a podcast without bars. Sha’Lil tackled our #VinylConversations segment with ease over a couple of instrumentals from the Shaft soundtrack. So you know the drill…sit back…Relax and Listen!



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