Here at Da Den we want to see you succeed. That’s why we are providing you with a few tips to help you get on the blogs and when we say blogs we don’t just mean us. This can help you across the board.


  • HAVE A PLAN: Before you send anything, have a plan in mind of your goals
  • BE HONEST: Let people know exactly where you are in your artistry. This is key in building blog relationships.
  • TIMING IS EVERYTHING: Be cautious of the time you send your email. Most people read emails in the morning and early afternoon. *Remember time zones make a difference*
  • KEEP IT SIMPLE: When you send an email, be brief. Get straight to the point. No one wants to know your life story.
  • LIMIT THE PROFANITY in titles/emails: Yeah I know its hip-hop but lets be honest you don’t know me. Keep it professional. Remember your email reflects your brand.
  • QUALITY OVER QUANTITY: Today everyone wants new music yesterday. The truth is when you have quality content you get noticed. High quantities can be perceived as SPAM
  • MAKE SURE YOUR LINKS WORK!!!: I can’t stress this one enough. You will be amazed how many emails I receive daily with broken links. Its simple take the time to make sure the link works. *SIDE NOTE: HIT SPELLCHECK
  • BE PATIENT: Hey most of the blogs you send music to inboxes fill up quickly. It really does take time to filter out the good from the bad. So be patient and in the meantime continue to create quality content and build solid relationships. If your content is good it will get noticed.

Now that you know what to do head over here to submit your music.

If you need more clarification, I suggest you take a listen to one of our podcast specifically covering how to get on the blogs here.

Also if you think something can be added to this list, feel free to add them in the comment section below.

4 responses to “8 WAYS TO GET ON THE BLOGS”

  1. Nice article , most of the time many artist’s haven’t conditioned themselves to marketing online and a few un-answered emails and they give up. I find that having spread sheet or a google Doc with list of all the people I have contacted helps me mentally see my progress and where to tackle next

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