Former Cynic Releases Something From His ‘NEGUS’ LP



If you’re a fan of lyrics permeating through underground hip-hop, you may have heard of a young gentleman by the name of YC The Cynic. 3 years ago he made a bit of noise and looked to be a prospective up and coming, then he seemed to disappear. This was probably because for 3 years, him and producer Frank Drake have been working on this new project entitled NEGUS obviously inspired by the Kendrick Lamar poem in to Pimp A Butterfly. The project is dark and looming with heavy and powerful messages about like black experience that is definitely apt with the times. I should also mention that he has changed his name to “KEMBA” a stronger and more solid name in my opinion that the former cynical one. The Album is free to stream online and you can also purchase it by naming your price on bandcamp.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=4161230790 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]




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