Just something to wrap your head around.
Wzup Wzup Wzup! My name is Ronnie Edwards II, I’ll just simply go by Edwards. I wanted to take the time to say hello to the Str8OutDaDen community. I will be serving as a writing contributor to the site with pieces that are rather conceptual in nature on all things hip hop. I have been writing in depth pieces for the better part of a decade. Most recently, I have written on topics ranging from politics, music, and relationships. I was raised the quintessential well traveled, yet often disfortunate, military brat. I too have served the country and am proud to say I am a war time veteran. For the most part I am happy to represent as a Washington DC Metropolitan native.
I typically have two equivocal goals when writing; to be entertaining and informative. I feel that the reader should take away a fair amount of substance from each piece, and in that belief I aim to always be thought provoking. Writing is a source of constant elation for me because I believe the use of words through expression embodies the purest most exemplary model of freedom I can ever exist within. In this belief I find a deep connection to Hip hop, as I am able to figuratively see eye to eye with its artistry. I look forward to being a part of a community that shares such appreciation and respect for art in all its forms. I will be kicking off my journey with Str8OutDaDen with a series titled Headwraps, meant to provoke discussion, speak upon progression, and explore different concepts in hip hop. Hope you enjoy.
P.S. Don’t judge me for the following, but what’s an intro to a hip hop community without a TOP 5: 2PAC, B.I.G, E40, Kanye, Jay Z (sorry NAS).
Thank You