[Sunday Spotlight] Danny Boy


sunday spotlight danny boy

Meet this week’s Sunday Spotlight Danny Boy.

Brownsville has always been a well-known neighborhood in Brooklyn. Maybe because every time I heard M.O.P. go off on a record, I felt like I was down in the trenches with them doing the most grimy things imaginable for a dollar. Today we are introduced to another Brownsville native with that same grit with a bit of polish sonics. Lazies meet Danny Boy.

Now residing in Atlanta, Danny Boy came on our radar a couple of months back after performing at a showcase with the request of East Chain producer Wili Hendrixs. As a new member of East Chain himself, Danny Boy left the crowd with one word that they will NEVER forget…EAT! He went on and on with it, explaining that he was a hungry artist willing to win the crowd over one person at a time with his performance.

He recently dropped his BROWNSVILLAIN EP. Coming in at 7 tracks, Wili Hendrixs produced the entirely project and found Danny Boy a sound completely unique to him and his energetic New York flow.

Take the time to get to know Danny Boy and his catalog below.




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