Bobby P Whitfield Channels His Inner Ice Cube On “No More Shuckin N’ Jivin II”


No More Shuckin N Jivin II

Produced by B.I. Productions.

Police brutality is at an all time high (at least in the media) and there is no way around that conversation unfortunately. However it is refreshing to see emcees take the time out to voice their opinions on record. Bobby P Whitfield just so happens to be one of those artist with gumption to speak up when needed.

Today the Macon emcee gives us the sequel as he channels his inner Ice Cube on “No More Shuckin N’ Jivin II”.

Read Bobby P Whitfield’s explanation and stream the single below.

“No More Shuckin ‘N’ Jivin” begins with a snippet of a powerful speech made by Malcolm X in Los Angeles, California in 1962. On April 27, 1962, the LAPD murdered a friend of Malcolm X, Brother Ronald Stokes. If you listen to X’s words, unfortunately, it’s relevant to the current events today! It’s terrifying! With this song, I’m not saying go out and just start shooting every cop you encounter. I simply expressing to my folks to start swangin’ & BE PROACTIVE!



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