[Sunday Spotlight] Gone Wallace


sunday spotlight gone wallace

Meet this week’s Sunday Spotlight Gone Wallace.

Way back in 2013, a couple of months after when we first started this site, one of the first artist that caught our attention was this week’s Sunday Spotlight artist. Hailing from Philadelphia, he was pushing his a new single titled “We Exist“. Now at the time I knew the record was dope, but what I didn’t know was how consistent this guy would be with delivering dope material from that day on. Lazies meet Gone Wallace.

Over the past couple of years we have posted over 40 singles, videos, albums and interviews featuring Wallace. However, today it occurred to me that he never graced our pages as a Sunday Spotlight. Why? That’s a good question. My only guess would be that we have been rocking with the homie well before the inception of our Sunday Spotlight features and it slipped my mind. Either way the time is now that we give him his just due. So to get you all up to speed, we compiled the majority of his 3 year catalog on Soundcloud below for your listening pleasure. Enjoy.




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