Tag: Samsung
[Talk Hip-Hop] Goodbye To iTunes???: The New Way To Sale Records
So I’m pretty sure no one else have mentioned this (if so let me know in the comment section), but the deal that Jay-Z did with Samsung shifted culture. As of right now most of you are going back and forth on Twitter and Facebook about what you liked or disliked about Magna Carta Holy…
Jay-Z Explains Oceans Feat. Frank Ocean (Video)
Right about now I wished I had a Samsung phone so I could get the app. However thanks to the good folks over at NahRight we get a sneak preview of Jay explaining the Oceans record. Relax and Listen!
Jay-Z: One to Many Samsung Commercial & “Heaven” Lyrics
Another Samsung commercial from Jay-Z. Looking forward to the release of this Holy Grail tomorrow. UPDATE: Check lyrics to Heaven after the jump.
Jay-Z & Timbaland: 4 More Samsung Commercial (Video)
Last nights Samsung commercial of Jay-Z & Timbaland 4 More. Relax and Listen!
[Talk Hip-Hop] How Will Jay-Z Samsung Deal Shift Hip-Hop?
When I first saw the Samsung commercial with Jay-Z my initial reaction was, How many people will buy a Samsung device just to get the album early?” A little extreme I know, but we are seeing a shift in hip-hop culture these pass couple of weeks. First Ye now Hov. My question for you Lazies…