Tag: Drunken Unicorn
JID Opens Up For Scotty ATL At The Drunken Unicorn In Atlanta (Video)
While at Scotty’s show this past Friday I was introduced to a lot of dope artists on Atlanta’s underground circuit. Earthgang, Chiiirp and JID to be exact. The kid JID opened up the show with a dope set unfortunately I only caught a small portion. Relax and Listen!
Scotty ATL Performs “Mama Ain’t Raise No Fool” w/ Miloh Smith (Video)
Scotty ATL hit the stage at the Drunken Unicorn in Atlanta Friday night to perform Mama Ain’t Raise No Fool with Miloh Smith off of his F.A.I.T.H. mixtape. Relax and Listen! PREVIOUS: Scotty ATL Performs “Clarity” at the Drunken Unicorn in Atlanta (Video)
Scotty ATL Performs “Clarity” at the Drunken Unicorn in Atlanta (Video)
I happened to find myself at the Drunken Unicorn in Atlanta last night and caught the homie Scotty ATL perform Clarity off of his F.A.I.T.H. mixtape. Relax and Listen!
Scotty ATL, FartherOut, Earthgang, Chiiirp and Jid Perform At Drunken Unicorn In Atlanta
Looking for a dope show to go to tonight in Atlanta? Then you should definitely head over to the Drunken Unicorn tonight. Scotty ATL, FartherOut, Earthgang, Chiiirp and Jid all will hit the stage and its only $5. DJ Peter Parker will be on the ones and two and hosted by the homie Maurice Garland.…