[Sunday Spotlight] LIP!



Meet this week’s Sunday Spotlight LIP.

Sometimes you really have to rely on the music to dictate he mood of your day. At least that’s the zone for today’s Sunday Spotlight artist. Lazies meet LIP!

Now I wished I could give you this elaborate background of the artist formerly known as Tyma, but truthfully all I can tell you is this guy is unique to him. He doesn’t sound remotely close to anything that’s out right now and in an industry full of clones, this is refreshing.

The self proclaimed American Rap Singer first came on our radar with his “Do What I Need” single produced by Jasper. After hitting play over and over again on the single, I took the time to go the through the rest of the catalog. Not only can LIP rap but he’s one of those artists that forces his way into your mental rolodex, making it impossible to forget his existence.

With that being said, we felt the need to get you guys hip to everything LIP below.